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Project One

Hendrerit tincidunt vero vel eorum claritatem. Soluta legunt quod qui dolore typi. Vel dolore soluta qui odio non. Sollemnes minim eorum feugiat nihil nobis. Gothica dolor in legentis nihil quinta.

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Project Two

Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tincidunt, nulla id accumsan ultrices, justo turpis adipiscing nunc, ac pellentesque ipsum massa id dui. Vivamus ut dui ut mi lobortis sodales. Nullam sollicitudin justo ut lorem.

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Project Three

In cursus vulputate enim at congue. Aenean eleifend lorem eu nisl convallis cursus. Phasellus dapibus magna est. Nullam viverra adipiscing rutrum.

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Project Four

Aliquam elit risus, volutpat quis, mattis ac, elementum eget, mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean cursus. Maecenas aliquam, ligula id egestas suscipit, nisi sapien dignissim nibh, ac vestibulum lorem urna in neque.

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TuneUp Utilities 2011 Build Beta 5

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Comments: (0)

TuneUp Utilities 2011 can quickly make your Windows operating system faster, easier to use, and more secure. And all operations performed on the operating system are completely safe, because all changes are monitored by TuneUp Rescue Center and can be undone at any time. All TuneUp Utilities modules can be accessed through a common interface that is divided into six categories. In addition, the main window also has three general buttons in a dark gray bar to the right at the top of the window. Pressing the first button starts the TuneUp Rescue Center module. The second button starts the TuneUp Update Wizard, which can be used to update TuneUp Utilities 2009 to the latest version over the Internet. The last button provides help and settings that you can use to customize the software package to meet your needs.

Norton Internet Security 2011 Final & FULL

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Norton Internet Security 2011. Final & FULL

Norton Internet Security delivers the fastest and lightest online threat protection available. It guards your PC, network, online activities and your identity with innovative detection technologies optimised to combat today's aggressive, rapid-fire attacks. The improved Norton Protection System features multi-layered security technologies that work together to provide comprehensive protection that helps detect and remove identified threats before they can harm your PC.

BitDefender AntiVirus Pro 2011 - Final

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-BitDefender Antivirus Pro 2011 - Professional anti-virus program with features designed for your computer more secure. The program provides advanced proactive protection against viruses, spyware, phishing attacks and identity theft, without slowing down your computer.
The new version of antivirus BitDefender Antivirus Pro 2011 extended features fast scanning, access to training videos, the output of intelligent tooltips, creating shortcuts on the toolbar, warning about the potential dangers of pages displayed in search results.

Centurion 2010

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Sinopsis :

Tahun 117 Masehi. Kekaisaran Romawi membentang dari Mesir ke Spanyol, dan dibagian Timur hingga ke Laut Hitam. Namun dibagian utara Britania, serangan non-stop dari musuh yang sulit dihentikan: suku liar dan menakutkan dikenal sebagai Picts. Quintus, satu-satunya korban selamat dari serangan suku Picts di benteng perbatasan Romawi, berjalan menuju utara bersama legiun kesembilan milik Jenderal Virilus, bertugas melenyapkan Picts dari bumi dan membunuh mereka pimpinan mereka, Gorlacon. Tapi ketika legiun itu disergap di tanah terasing, dan Virilus ditangkap, Quintus dan pleton kecilnya berusaha bertahan hidup, menghindari suku Pict, menyelamatkan jenderal militer mereka dan mencapai wilayah aman di perbatasan Romawi.

Aftershock 2010 DVDRip XviD

Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Comments: (0)

Sinopsis : 

Diangkat dari bencana Gempa bumi di Tangshan tahun 1976, kepulangan Li Ni hanya untuk menemukan anak kembarnya yang berusia 7 tahun terkubur dibawah reruntuhan. Dilema dalam memutuskan siapa yang harus ia selamatkan, apakah putranya, Fonda atau purinya, Fan Teng. Dia memilih untuk menyelamatkan putranya tanpa mengetahui bahwa Fan Teng mengetahui keputusannya. Secara ajaib Fan Teng berhasil bertahan hidup, namun menderita karena memori yang menyakitkan atas keputusan yang telah dibuat oleh ibunya. Tak lama kemudian, pasangan muda mengadopsinya dan ia masih trauma dengan pengalaman masa kecilnya tersebut

The Last Exorcism (2010) TS XViD

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Sinopsis :

Ketika ia tiba di pertanian milik Sweetzer Louis di pedesaan Louisiana, Pendeta Cotton Marcus mengharapkan hanya melakukan rutinitas "eksorsisme" biasa. Sweetzer telah menghubungi pendeta tersebut sebagai langkah terakhir, karena putri Nell dirasuki oleh setan yang harus dilenyapkan sebelum siksaan menakutkan mereka berakhir dalam tragedi tak terbayangkan

Namun setelah ia tiba di peternakan tersebut, Cotton tidak memiliki persiapan yang matang untuk menghadapi setan yang sesungguhnya. Sudah terlambat untuk mundur, Pendeta Marcus mepertaruhkan kepercayaand irinya dan harus menemukan cara untuk menyelamatkan Nell - dan diri mereka sendiri - sebelum terlambat.

The Last Exorcism (2010) TS XViD RoSubb-SmK
English | XviD 1244kbps | 636x286 25fps | MP3 128kbps | 79min | 777MB
Genre: Horror | Thriller


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Dated Released : 2010
Quality : BDRip [TWiZTED] x264 - Jcberry526
Info : imdb.com/title/tt1320304
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Kiele Sanchez, Mia Kirshner, Diora Baird
Genre : Horror

Foxit Reader Pro v4.1.1.0805

Monday, September 27, 2010 Comments: (0)

Foxit Reader Pro v4.1.1.0805

Foxit Reader is a free PDF document viewer, with incredible small size, breezing-fast launch speed and rich feature set. Foxit Reader supports Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista. Its core function is compatible with PDF Standard 1.7.In the past, you’ve had to download a huge PDF reader from another software company, go through a lengthy installation process and wait for an annoying splash window to disappear just to open a PDF document. Moreover, if you want to annotate a PDF document, you have to pay US$299 to buy certain software.

RegDoctor 2.24

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RegDoctor 2.24

Automatically fix Windows registry problems and improve system performance. Stop computer crashes! Registry problems are the common cause of Windows crashes, error messages, and degraded performance! RegDoctor can safely and quickly clean and repair Windows registry problems with a few simple mouse clicks! RegDoctor uses an intelligent, high-performance detection engine to accurately identify missing and invalid references in your Windows registry. Identified registry problems are listed and rated by risk level using an easy to understand color-coded system for your information.
You can choose to have RegDoctor automatically repair all identified problems, or more selectively choose which problems to repair immediately. RegDoctor also offers a Restore feature to create registry backup files, giving you the capability to safely undo any registry changes. The auto-start feature of RegDoctor helps to support its regular use.

By using RegDoctor regularly to clean and repair your registry, your system should not only be more stable but it will also help Windows and your software run faster.

Works with Windows 7. Also, works with Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP/Vista.


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Sinopsis :

Dunia masih dilanda virus T yang mengubah manusia menjadi zombie dan hampir tak ada lagi tempat aman buat manusia. Dalam pengembaraannya, Alice (Milla Jovovich) juga masih harus bersembunyi dari incaran para petinggi Umbrella Corporation sambil berusaha mencari jalan untuk meruntuhkan perusahaan raksasa yang bertanggung jawab atas pemusnahan manusia ini. Semakin dekat Alice pada Umbrella Corporation, semakin
berat pula musuh yang harus dihadapi.
Saat muncul harapan untuk mempertahankan ras manusia dari serbuan zombie, segera saja Alice membawa sisa-sisa manusia yang bertahan hidup menuju Los Angeles, tempat yang konon aman dari serbuan zombie. Sayangnya, petunjuk itu sepertinya hanyalah jebakan. Sesampainya rombongan di Los Angeles, kota ini ternyata telah jadi puing-puing yang dikuasai zombie dan hampir saja Alice dan rombongannya jatuh ke dalam perangkap maut ini.