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Project One

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Project Two

Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tincidunt, nulla id accumsan ultrices, justo turpis adipiscing nunc, ac pellentesque ipsum massa id dui. Vivamus ut dui ut mi lobortis sodales. Nullam sollicitudin justo ut lorem.

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Project Three

In cursus vulputate enim at congue. Aenean eleifend lorem eu nisl convallis cursus. Phasellus dapibus magna est. Nullam viverra adipiscing rutrum.

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Project Four

Aliquam elit risus, volutpat quis, mattis ac, elementum eget, mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean cursus. Maecenas aliquam, ligula id egestas suscipit, nisi sapien dignissim nibh, ac vestibulum lorem urna in neque.

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ID USB Lock Key 1.3 (Portable)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

ID USB Lock Key program is designed to lock your computer from unauthorized access attempts. The blocking mechanism is simple when you start the program in a lock on the screen displays a message on the computer is locked and blocked all access to it, with the generated and stored on the usb-drive is a special key to disable the lock. Activating the screen lock is held in three steps. All you need to do to protect your PC - so submit your USB device to generate a security key and pull the USB device. Your computer will be blocked from any unauthorized access. You can choose to activate the blocking mode by simply pressing CTR L. Key The program locks your computer through the device via USV Keystrokes CTR ALT DEL, has a convenient graphical user interface that is very simple to use, requires minimal space on your computer to work effectively.

D USB Lock Key is a security program meant to protect your computer from unauthorized users. It denies access, by providing a security block-screen which can be unblocked with the USB stick where you have the key generated by the program.

ID USB Lock Key Main Features :
  1. Generates a protection-key for each USB stick
  2. Blocks PC by simply pressing CTR ALT L
  3. Activates a block-screen after locking the PC
  4. Denies access to unauthorized users
  5. Preserves block-status even after reboot
Detailed features :
  1. Activates the block screen by just three steps. All you have to do, in order to have your PC protected, is to introduce your USB stick, generate a security private key and unplug the USB. Your computer then blocks any unauthorized access.
  2. Locks your computer by itself when your status becomes IDLE. You can choose to activate the blocking-mode by simply pressing CTR ALT L.
  3. ID USB Lock Key protects thoroughly by not allowing access not even after a reboot of your computer. It makes sure that your PC doesn?t reboot to its original unblocked status.
  4. Generates a unique protection key for one or more USB sticks. In case you loose your USB stick, or you want to allow access to another user on his/her private USB stick, the program will generate another unique key.
  5. Displays a lock screen. ID USB Lock Key displays a protection screen whenever someone else touches your computer, disabling any key from having any influence upon it.
  6. ID USB Lock Key has a convenient graphic interface which is very simple to use. It requires minimal space on your computer to operate efficiently.
Download :
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